Monday, May 11, 2009

Bible Studying

I am working my way through the Bible. It is supposed to be a year long study. Some days, though, there are 30 pages of reading between the study verses. I found I wasn't able to keep up with the reading, so I was fighting with continuing the study. Now, I have two bookmarks in the Bible. One is where the daily study is located. The other is where I really am in the readings.

Currently, I am almost 200 pages behind. I don't know that I will ever catch up, unless I get "lapped" as I do the study again next year. I think it is better that I take my time to thoroughly read and understand instead of rushing, just to get the pages done. Now, I just need to accept where I am, and know it is okay to be there.


  1. I totally agree with you; it's much more important to get some meaning out of the reading.

  2. Also,... I'm sure glad SOMEONE is a consistent blogger. Neither your husband or I are doing a very good job.

  3. Ah, but is it meaningful or just prattle? That is the question I was going to blog about today!

    I hope to see you on your blog soon :)
