Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Broadcast Mass

I understand there is a benefit to broadcasting Mass for those who are unable to attend Mass in person. The broadcast, whether by television or radio, reaches multitudes of people who wouldn't otherwise be able to hear the Word of God, outside of their own individual studies. EWTN broadcasts Mass four times a day, beginning at 7am and ending at 11pm. XM117 broadcasts daily Mass at 7am. I think they broadcast Monday through Saturday, but I wouldn't rule out the possibility of a similar broadcast on Sundays.

Personally, I struggle with giving the proper amount of respect and attention to the Mass when it is broadcast and I am not physically at the Mass. My mind has a tendency to wander. Before I know it, I have picked something up to read or work on, which I would never dream of doing in person. I think it is because I am not in the physical presence of the Eucharist.

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