Sunday, May 31, 2009

Pentecost Today

Yesterday, the homily focused on how Pentecost continues to live on in today's society. I can say that isn't something I had considered prior to yesterday. To me, it was something given once and remembered since.

Father reminded us we receive the gift of the Holy Spirit from those around us. Everyone has someone in his or her life who brings a holy component to their lives. It could be through the opportunity to witness service to God and others. It might be through prayer. It might be through kindness that touches an individual during difficult times.

We were challenged to thank one of the people who brings the Holy Spirit to us on a personal basis in day to day living. I didn't have to think too hard about who I would call. There is a woman in my life who lives a faith filled, God-centered life. She prays regularly, and doesn't hesitate to do so in public. Her involvement with Emmaus is appreciated by everyone touched by her. Her attitude toward service is positive. I can't say enough about how wonderful she is, and she doesn't even realize it. Hopefully, she will return my call soon so I can tell her myself.

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