Saturday, February 21, 2009

The Road to Emmaus

This weekend, Dave and twenty other men from our area are on their Emmaus journey. Based on the scripture from Luke, where the two travelers met Jesus on the Road to Emmaus but only came to know it was Him in the breaking of the bread, it is a two day retreat. Our parish hosts an all female retreat in November and an all male retreat in February.

I made my Emmaus journey three Novembers ago. Since then, I have returned two times as a member of the team facilitating the retreat for new participants. Since I made my Emmaus, I have encouraged Dave to pray about making his. The time has never been right. There were conflicts with the boys' basketball games. He hasn't felt ready and has had inner conflicts about attending. This year, though, everything came together. He physically missed our youngest son's basketball tournament today, but stayed in touch through text messaging and cell phone calls on breaks. Our son was happy to share his accomplishments and loved re-telling his story of the two three point shots he made with a brand new audience. All in all, it was more than fine, and definitely the right place for Dave to be this weekend.

I am not surprised it has worked out this well, though. I firmly believe attending the Emmaus retreat is part of God's plan. There will become a time when the people you need to meet, the faith stories you need to hear, the time you need to take for your own spiritual development will all come together. Then, and only then, will it work out for you to be in attendance. I encourage anyone who has contemplated the need for a spiritual refresher to look into the opportunities presented by Emmaus.

The Emmaus experience has had an awesome, as well as awe-inspiring, impact on our lives. It has openly touched all of us, even the boys. Our oldest son has started his journey of self discovery. He is only twelve, but already is looking forward to the day when he is grown up enough that he, too, can make his Emmaus journey. He looks forward to not only being his father's son, but also his father's Emmaus Brother.

As Dave and his new Emmaus brothers share their journey together this weekend, my prayers for them have been repeated often. Please join me in praying for a successful spiritual weekend for each and every one of them.

Lord, please be with the participants at the Emmaus retreat this weekend. Help them to be open to Your call as well as to recognize Your Son, not only in the breaking of the bread, but in the journey itself. Allow the barriers each man has to come down. Give them peace, understanding and acceptance, in Jesus name we pray.

Lore, please be with the team at the Emmaus retreat this weekend. Let them be Your hands and Your feet. Give them the words they need to share to reach the participants. Allow them to open themselves to the direction You want them to take. Give them peace, patience, and hope, in Jesus name we pray.


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