Saturday, April 11, 2009

Seder Meal

We had our first annual Seder meal this past Saturday night. Unfortunately, I didn't realize how much preparation went into the process and we had to rush just a little bit in the final stages of preparation. The meal was intended to begin at 6 and last until 7. We didn't get to the table until 6:15.

The Seder meal is very complicated and follows quite a few rituals. It opens with a ceremonial lighting of candles. It progresses through readings from the Book of Exodus. There are ritual questions and answers. Different foods are used to remind the participants of the tears shed, the bitter anguish experienced under the rules of the Egyptians. It is complicated and emotional.

Having read through the ritual in advance, I thought I was prepared for the different food needs of the evening. Once we began, I learned there are some things to be done differently next year. Ultimately, I learned a great deal from this experience, even with the areas lacking a little in the execution.

Up until this weekend, the book of Exodus was just another book of the Bible. The stories of the plagues, the escape from Egypt, they were abstract stories but I didn't really connect them with real life. Our Seder Meal experience made it very real, very present in our current lives.

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